Saturday, May 21, 2022

Lovely Women of Australia

 I looked behind me at church and saw all of these beautiful women sitting.  After Sacrament Meeting I just had to take a picture of them.  They are Mothers and their daughters.  The woman on the far left is Sally Tognia (Bishop's wife) with her daughters who are the first two young women.  I don't know the others. The thought came to be that these are beautiful women who are serving God through the Generations.  Most of the people in our wards are from the Islands.  They always greet each other with a hug and a kiss.  Most Australians have that as their custom also!  Such a Lovely Tradition!

5 pt. Question for the Grandkids 

How do most Australians greet one another?

a. A Handshake

b. A High-Five

c. A Hug and a Kiss

1 comment:

  1. Miles says coconut cheese! (Do you mean hug and a kiss?) I mean hug and a kiss!
