Saturday, May 21, 2022

Australia Nature is Beautiful!

SEEIING Our First Black Swans

We saw Cute Mushrooms on our walk

Rose-Breasted Cockatoos Right in our Very Own Front Yard!

It gets dark at 5:00 here.  we take a lot of walks at night.  
this was the night that Idaho and utah experienced 
a total eclipse of the moon!


Question for the Grandkids~
What time does it get dark in Australia in May?


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! We just got through winter in Idaho with the sun setting early and now we are just going into winter in Australia!

  2. Beckett says "all the black swans are Mr. Forkle (That's a reference to his favorite book series, Keeper of the Lost Cities.) It gets dark at 5."

  3. Dean says, "Black swans? I want to see black swans! It gets dark at 5:00"
