Monday, April 25, 2022

Easter 🐣 Brownies

It’s not powdered sugar 

it’s icing sugar!

Elder Bennett and I shared some American Easter Brownies with our Australian, Scottish, and New Zealand neighbors.  

They were all so pleasant and lovely. One neighbor said that she belongs to a knitting and crochet club! Of course my ears πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚ perked up and I asked her if I could go with her sometime! She said yes! So I am going with her in two weeks on Thursday. It’s like the humanitarian center. They knit and crochet things to give to those in need. A lot of the yarn is donated to them. I was amazed at this woman who told us about all that she does! Truly an example of Jesus Christ who is our Good Samaritan! 


“The Savior is our Good Samaritan, sent “to heal the brokenhearted.” He comes to us when others pass us by. With compassion, He places His healing balm on our wounds and binds them up. He carries us. He cares for us. He bids us, “Come unto me … and I shall heal [you].”

~ Elder Neil L. Andersen

October 2018 General Conference

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