On Saturday, January 1, 2022, Elder & Sister Bennett were set apart as Full-Time Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by President Chris Monson. We were blessed with spiritual, physical and mental health. We were blessed to enjoy a greater relationship with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, each oth
er, and with those we serve.
All of our family were able to participate either at our home or through technology. They are:
Deserae & Drew Cumpton
Mark, Ginger, Alexis, Holly, Dallin, Jade, & Ilea Bennett
Cecily, Ryan, Beckett, Dean, Jayna, & Miles Jenkins
Eric, Joanna, Max, Zoey, Theo, & Mitchell Bennett
Elder Bennett will serve as an Area Medical Advisor to 5 missions in Australia and 2 missions in Papau New Guniea.
We are very excited to serve the missionaries and the people of Australia and Papau New Guinea.