Wednesday, January 12, 2022

We've had a great 2 weeks!  We have learned 8 hours a day!  Yes, we are very knowledgeable now!  The Spirit of the Lord has taught us well!

We are on a grand errand to help our missionaries and their priesthood leaders and wives be spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy.  We have learned of dermatology, opthomology, mental health, orthopaedic, etc.  The Lord is indeed hastening His work!  

It's hard to think that we had no medical help before 1992 for our missionaries!  Although when we lived in Germany from 1987-1992 Barry was considered the mission doctor and helped many things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."  ~ Mosiah 2:17

We are going to serve the missions of Australia and Papua New Guinea.   Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will be the ones we truly serve with all of our might, mind, and strength!

This saying caught my eye during our mental health session!  
This is very funny but it is also very true!  

Some Thoughts from today ~

1.  "Everyone has stress.  If you didn't have stress, you would be dead!"

2.  A Mission President looked over the missionaries before him and said, "Here is matter unorganized."

3.  Get clover oil for a tooth ache

4.  Dentist's scripture ~ "Open thy mouth and I will fill it!"

5.  Every missionary should brush and floss 2 times a day.  It is important to take care of their teeth because the church will not pay for routine dental care or cavities.  They will pay for accidents to the teeth for young Missionaries. 

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